How time flies! And how I have neglected my blog! Last year went by like a blur, most of which I was sick for and the rest of which we were very busy being in 4-H, baseball, theatre, and traveling. I am not even sure we had a summer and already, it is time to make sure everything is ready for winter as the weather changes suddenly and sometimes unexpectedly here.
I should try to post some pictures of our recent activities; but today I just want to say, I like this new season of schooling older people. Schooling younger people was great, but I was afraid that the older people things would be boring or too difficult. In fact I have found that the added self motivation the older people display is quite refreshing and frees up a lot of my time. On the other hand, the classes they are taking are quite interesting and I find myself wanting to take a few of them too. How much fun is it to sit down with your teen and work on adventure novels together? I may even try to brush up on some piano and dulcimer music in time for Christmas this year. The house seems quieter and almost ready to become organized. The boys do not need so much supervision and everyone knows what is expected of them and help out.
Here we sit covered in books, enjoying some engaging learning together. I will always cherish these times we are blessed to have together.