Monday, July 1, 2013

July - A New Beginning

It has been a short busy summer for us. The garden is beginning to burst at the seams, quail abound, the house has been rearranged and hosted a few guests, chess has been played, hobbies enjoyed, and books read. Just as summer is really getting on a roll, we withdraw to the cool shade of the good old school room on the first day of July.  My mind strains to make the adjustment.  It seems like dreaded “summer school” to me but to the boys it means relief from the relentless heat, welcomed structure and something to do.  We will delightedly take a break again in September when the other kids head back to school and the weather becomes nice for bike riding again.

As we sit closely together and crack the history book, I feel a rush of excitement to be able to sit with my children and learn together again.  It is a joy to watch them improve daily. To see that they are excited to discover the knowledge that God has in store for them each and every day.  And for me, to” bring up my children in the way they should go”. Nothing could be more satisfying.